
Airplane Kiting the Exumas

Airplane Kiting the Exumas !

The video was produced and edited by my good speedflying friend Troy, using footage we both had shot mostly with GP3's plus a few GP2 shots + some still shots from various digital cameras.

This part of my 2013 FL trip was especially spectacular as we flew Troy's Cessna 172 from Lantana Airport in Boynton Beach FL to Miami then all the way to St. Andros (where we cleared Bahamas Customs - we landed on a jet airliner sized runway and found we were the only customers there - an almost spooky experience in itself ,-) and then we flew drug courier style (super low level ,-) to Staniel Cay / Exumas.

We choose Staniel Cay as our basecamp and thats also the hint to the slightly ... hmm ... lets say "questionable" ,-) choice of soundtrack - the video to that song (which hit the international charts exactly when we were there) was shot in the staniel cay yacht club only a short time before, and the bahemian residents played it every evening with almost patriotic pride.

On the way back we flew via Normans Cay (Carlos Lehders legendary cocaine smuggling base) and did a kiting stopover in bimini (land your plane, get your kitegear out, walk across the street and pump your kite on a giant sandy lagoon without a single person on it - I am spoiled 4 life.... Did I mention that airplane supported, self flown island hopping kitesurfing is the only way to go these days ? ,-) to Palm beach Executive Airport were we re- entered the US and then a short flight back to Boynton Beach's Lantana Airport

And in case you wonder why our boat is so small - well it had to fly with us (inkl. the outboard engine) in our 4 seater cessna (we removed the rear seats and converted it into almost a flying pickup truck ,-) from FL to the Exumas and back ! - all just to make sure that on return via Palm Beach Executive Airport we could easily outclass any other private aircraft incl. mister trumps 757 - cause they all didn't have a dinghi ,-))

two words: killer trip.

thank you troy, i'll be back ,-)

More footage to come.